Supporting Documentation for Continuing Education

All registrants are required to maintain supporting documentation for each course recorded on the CEPH log.  If you are audited and cannot support the claim, you may be subject to a fine.

Structured Activities

Keep provider-issued supporting documentation which includes:

  • Provider name, address, phone, web
  • Course name, title, number if applicable
  • Dates which you attended (registration, certificate, etc)
  • Total number of hours, including barrier free

You may attach your AIA, NCIDQ or ASLA transcript as supporting documentation.

Self-Directed Activities

Documentation for self-directed study may include a printed copy of the front cover of a book and the table of contents or a copy of the article.  Please include your signed and dated statement indicating that you have reviewed this material and the number of CEPH you are claiming.

Activities Not Approved

Activities that are typically not approved for CEPH credit include the following:

  • Activities geared towards skills pertaining to motivation, goal-setting, time management, organization, communication, sales, leadership, productivity, profitability or marketing.
  • Meetings held in conjunction with the regular business of the participant or courses or training relating to the marketing and business practices of a specific company.